
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2022


  What to write on the blog Date: Friday, September 30th 2022 PART 3 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: VISITING THE UK Luke and Jack talk about the best season to visit the Uk. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          When does Jack recommend his students to visit the UK? Jack recommends or tells his students to visit the UK in May, since they have Indian summer, that is, a late summer that returns around September-October, so he supposes that they visit the UK from May to mid-September. ·          What time does the sun set in the summer? The sun rises around 4:00 o 'clock in the morning for ammonia and then the sun sets around 10:30 at night. So the days are wonderfully long, it´s not too hot. Sometimes we do hit 30 degrees, but it´s not much more than that and it´s not as humid as most other countries. ·          What is Jack´s warning to his students? Jack warns his students saying that in London parks many people take off t


  What to write on the blog Date: Thursday, September 29th 2022 PART 2 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: BRITISH SEASONAL TRADITIONS Luke and Jack talk about British seasonal traditions, where they say that each season has different traditions and festivals. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          What is a big part of the summer in the UK? Most of the summer is the festivals, for example the folk week, which is actually a month long or maybe even longer, plus there are fireworks. ·          What is in the middle of the Christmas markets? There are small shops, which each city has a designated place, where they sell Christmas products and treats such as Christmas snacks such as apples, candies and mulled wine. ·          How many people go to the summer music festivals? Hundreds of thousands of people flock to summer music festivals. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Green: A small area in a city or town


What to write on the blog Date: Tuesday, September 27th 2022 PART 1 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: FAVOURITE SEASONS Luke and Jack talk about their favorite seasons, where Luke´s favorite season is winter, while Jack´s favorite season is summer. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          What is Jack´s favourite summer activity? Jack´s favorite summer activity is a barbecue, as he thinks they are perfect, he loves being outside in the garden with his family with one of his favorite drinks which is apple cider. ·          Why does Luke like winter? Luke likes Winter, because he loves action sports, for example snowboarding. ·          Can you go snowboarding in the UK? No, because they don´t have a specific place to practice in the UK, however, he went to France to do a lot of snowboarding. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Kick off: To start something like a discussion, a meeting, or an event. (arrancar/e


  What to write on the blog Date: Friday, September 23th 2022 PART 3 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: TIPS FOR STUDYING ENGLISH Luke and Jack talk about the problems that the students have to learn English and one of them is that the students do not put all the effort to study, where Luke and Jack give recommendations and advice to learn English. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          What is Luke´s tip for learning English? He recommends to his students that English should be used at least fifty percent of their time, writing and speaking with people, that is, he says use the English that you learned in the study time. ·          What self-study activity does Jack suggest that his students do? He suggests that his students keep a diary, which he considers to be a great way to practice English, as you write down the most important activities you do every day. ·          Does Luke talk to himself in Korean? Yes, he still does it s


  What to write on the blog Date: Thursday, September 22th 2022 PART 2 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: HOW WE STUDY Luke and Jack talk about the techniques and methodologies they use when studying for an exam. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          How does Luke study for a big exam? Luke to study is based on past papers, that is, he uses the work he did before to study, since it will serve as support and help him to better develop the exam. ·          How does Jack study for a big exam? Jack to study makes summaries of the books, where he underlines the key words and ideas, making his studies a Little easier to understand. ·          How does Jack study Korean? Jack to study Korean has chosen to watch dramas and read scripts. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Past papers: An examination paper from previous years. (papeles anteriores/documentos) Self-development: The process of making yourself better.


  What to write on the blog Date: Wednesday, September 21th 2022 PART 1 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: STUDYING IN GENERAL Luke and Jack talk about studying, whether or not they like studying. In addition, they talk about what interests them most within the academic field. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          What is Luke studying nowadays? Luke is studying about the ancient Egyptian civilizations and about the ancient Amazonian peoples, as it is something that intrigues him and he finds it fascinating. ·          How did Jack feel about studying when he was younger? Jack has had a love-hate relationship with studying, when he was young he hated studying, he didn´t understand why we studied, he didn´t see any point in it, maybe he didn´t do well in exam results. ·          What does Jack think about his high scool teachers?      Jack thought that the teachers did not motivate the students, they only cared about taking very long