
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2022


  What to write on the blog Date: Thursday, October 20th 2022 PART 3 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: BRITISH VS. SOUTH KOREAN EATING HABITS Luke and Jack talk about the differences between Britain and South Korean in terms of eating habits. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          Do British people eat spicy food? No, they don´t eat spicy food very often. ·          What do Korean people often eat late at night? Koreans often eat late night snacks, for example noodles, where for many Koreans it is almost part of their culture. ·          Are restaurants expensive in Korea? No, they aren´t. Restaurants are cheap quite reasonably priced. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast          Bland: Lacks strong features. Little taste. (insípido/desabrido)        Foodie: Someone who loves food. (amante de la buena comida)


  What to write on the blog Date: Wednesday, October 19th 2022 PART 2 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: GOOD EATING HABITS Luke and Jack talk about their good eating habits. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          How did Luke´s brother lose weight? Luke´s brother lost 20 kilos or 45 pounds in four months, where his trick was not eat breakfast and or lunch salads. And at dinner eat anything. ·          What happened when Jack gave up coffee? Jack gave up coffee and for two weeks he had a very bad headache. ·          What does Jack do every Sunday evening? Jack and his wife every Sunday night prepare six, seven or eight lunch boxes for the week, where they eat good food and stay healthy. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Exhausted: Very tired. (exhausto/agotado) Craving: A strong desire for something. (antojo/deseo intenso) Give up:   To stop doing or having something. (darse por vencido) Eat out: To eat


  What to write on the blog Date: Tuesday, October 18th 2022 PART 1 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: BAD EATING HABITS Luke and Jack talk about their bad eating habits. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          What kind of pizza does Luke like? Luke likes Hawaiian pizza, the pineapple on the pizza really makes everything better. ·          What is Jack´s bad eating habit? Jack´s bad eating habit is that he eats snacks, particularly when watching movies, por example he likes popcorn. ·          Do Luke and Jack like spicy food? Yes, they like. Luke and Jack like spicy glass food, especially hot sauce. Jack also likes spicy chicken. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Binge: Do or consume something to excess. (comer en exceso) Graze (on): Eat small quantities of food frequently. (picotear/comer pequeñas cantidades de alimentos con frecuencia) Tend to verb : To usually/often do something. (tender a/a menudo


What to write on the blog Date: Friday, October 14th 2022 PART 3 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: BACKPACKING TIPS Luke and Jack talk about some tips for people who would like to go backpacking. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          How long ago did Jack buy his backpacks? Jack bought his backpack ten years ago, when he went on his backpacking trip. He still has it and still uses it. ·          What is Luke´s first tip for backpackers? Luke´s first tip for backpackers is that they must sholud learn to pack correctly, since if you pack well you can wear pack a lot more in your backpack. In conclusión, you must organize your backpack well. ·          Why are South Koreans good at packing their bags? Because South Koreans particularly know how to pack their bags, as they have a particular method of folding. Jack asked a guy and he replied that they are trained by the army to know how to pack their bags. 3.       There are not n


  What to write on the blog Date: Thursday, October 13th 2022 PART 2 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: GOOD AND BAD EXPERIENCES Luke and Jack talk about the good and bad experiences they´ve had in their lives. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          How many people slept in Luke´s London hostel room? Eighteen people slept in Luke´s hostel room in London and that was stinky, it really smelled stale. ·          Where is the Lake District located? The Lake District is a national park located in the Northwest of England. ·          How often did Jack go to the Lake District? Jack went almost every summer to the Lake District. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Prolong: To last a long time. (prolongar/alargar) Rancid: Smelling or tasting very bad. (rancio) Jump around: To try different things or go to different places. (ir de un lugar a otro)   Common room: A room people for socialising, often found in hote


  What to write on the blog Date: Wednesday, October 12th 2022 PART 1 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: HAVE YOU BEEN BACKPACKING? Luke and Jack talk about whether or not they´ve been backpacking. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          How long did Jack spend in Australia? Jack spent a year in Australia, going from hostel to hostel getting jobs. ·          Where has Luke been backpacking? Luke has been backpacking twice, the first was in Australia and the second was in Europe. ·          Where did Luke do his semester abroad? Luke spent his semester abroad in Germany. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast 1.       Frugal: Being careful when spending money. (frugal) 2.       Here and there: In various places. (de aquí para allá) 3.       Bussing: Commuting or travelling by bus (informal). (bus/autobús) 4.       Budget: A plan for how much money you will spend. (presupuesto) 5.       Run down: In


  What to write on the blog Date: Thursday, October 06th 2022 PART 3 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: LIFE NOWADAYS Luke and Jack talk about what they are doing nowadays in Korea, for example they talk about what each one is currently working on. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          How long has Luke worked at his university? Luke has worked at his university for almost four years. ·          Where is Jack´s English academy located? Jack´s English academy is located in Gangnam. ·          How many people watch Luke´s Instagram videos? Luke´s Instagram videos watch ten thousand people. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Work (one´s) way up: Start at a low level and then gradually achieve higher positions. (trabaje hacia arriba) Branch out: To do something new (usually in a related field). (expandirse/diversificarse) Mind-blowing: Extremely impressive. (extraordinario/alucinante)  


  What to write on the blog Date: Wednesday, October 05th 2022 PART 2 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: LIFE BEFORE KOREA Luke and Jack talk about what their lives were like before moving to Korea. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          How old were Luke and Jack when they first moved to Korea? Luke and Jack were twenty-one years old when they first moved to Korea. ·          What was Jack´s job before he came to Korea? Before coming to Korea, Jack worked as a golf teacher for three years. In addition, he worked in bars and as a farmer in Australia for a year. ·          Why did Jack quit his job and come to Korea? Jack quit his job teaching golf because it didn´t pay him very well and came to Korea because he felt like he wanted to see the world. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Part-time job: A gob with less hours and usually worked in shifts. (trabajo de medio tiempo) End up: Finally be in a place


  What to write on the blog Date: Tuesday, October 04th 2022 PART 1 1.       Today I heard a podcast about: HOMETOWNS Luke and Jack talk about their hometowns, that is, where they grew up. 2.       I have heard 3 times and I am ready to answer: ·          Where in England is Jack´s hometown located? Jack´s hometown is Broadstairs, a seaside town in the southeast of England. ·          What season is the Elvis festival held in Luke´s hometown? This Elvis festival is held every spring and attracts thousand Elvis impersonators from the UK. ·          Has Jack tried jellied eels? Jack hasn´t tried the jellied eels, but uncle loved it, he´s a big fan and it´s minced jellied eels. 3.       I learned new words and phrases from this podcast Coastal: On or near the coast. (Where land meets sea) (costero/litoral) Heaving: Extremely crowded (movimiento agitado) (Big) fan of something: To really like something. (fanático/importante)